Seize Your Destiny. Become Undeniable with Advisor Business School and Your $500K Yearly Salary

Francois Colins 
Independent Financial Planner
Fairbairn Consult

 You are about to meet our clients who…

Have the $150M referral (you read that right)

 Increased their growth in 2023 by 164%

 Went from under $200k income to $1.3m

Are you ready to shatter the limitations holding you back and rewrite your destiny as a financial advisor? Advisor Business School is not just a program; it’s a battle cry for those who dare to be exceptional, who refuse to accept mediocrity, and who are hell-bent on becoming undeniable in the financial advisory world.

Unshackled from Industry Influence

Advisor Business School is unchained from industry manipulation. While others bow to shareholder interests, we answer only to you and your clients. Our mission isn’t short-term gains; it’s about empowering you to conquer your financial advisory career and enrich your clients’ lives.

Taught by Titans

Our mentors are no ivory tower theorists; they’re titans of industry spending half their days selling right now. They don’t read from scripts written by someone else – they’ve penned their own stories in the sales trenches.


A $150 Million Out Of The Blue Referral – I Couldn’t Believe This Would Happen For Me!

– Larry Thomas


In 2024, we’re unleashing Advisor Business School in the USA with a maximum of 30 seats at a 60% discounted price of $5,600 for the 12-month, all-inclusive coaching program. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your career.

That Speak Volumes

We don’t just promise results; we deliver. In 2023, our average advisor catapulted their income by a jaw-dropping 164%. We’re not here to play games; we’re here to change your life.

An Immersive Odyssey

Our program unfolds over three intense 12-week semesters, each packed with learning and coaching sessions that include:


Weekly Prerecorded Sessions - Dive intogroundbreaking material at your pace


Execution Packs - Get income up by applying what you learn


Execution LIVE Coaching Meetings - Personal LIVE guidance to put knowledge into practicce


Mastermind LIVE Coaching Sessions - Get your business challenges solved by your expert mentors


24/7 Business Support - Get answers on demand


Establish Your Authority - Get interviewed asa guest expert on our podcast and feature on our blog

Special Highlights

Alongside our program, you’ll rub shoulders with past graduates, industry experts, and guest speakers through our podcast. Get early podcast releases and the chance to be interviewed as an expert guest.


Your Journey To Seizing Your Destiny In The Financial Advisory World Starts Now

I went from obscurity to personal income skyrocketing from under $200k to over $1.3 million.

– Marcius Van Antwerp

Redefining Advisor Earnings

..Its A Crying Shame How Little Advisors Earn!

We don’t just talk; we challenge the norm. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for personal financial advisors was $94,170 in 2021 AND THAT’S A CRYING SHAME. With us, you can crush your income ceiling and aim for greatness. 

Achieving More, Faster

Advisor Business School equips you with the strategies to amass high-quality unsolicited referrals each month. No more cold calls; it’s about earning respect and authority in your clients’ lives. Build a business ready for the future, even in the age of A.I.

Become Unstoppable

Advisor Business School is your odyssey to becoming unstoppable as a financial advisor. Results are undeniable: Advisors who execute our teachings increase their income by 200% to 400% or more in just 12 to 24 months.


In 2024, we’re unleashing Advisor Business School in the USA with a maximum of 30 seats at a 60% discounted price of $5,600 for the 12-month, all-inclusive coaching program. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your career.

I added over 160% to my income in 2023. This program is worth at least 10 times its weight in gold!

– Francois Colins

Your Path to Unstoppability Starts Now

Don’t watch from the sidelines in the world of financial advising. Join Advisor Business School and seize your destiny as an undeniable powerhouse. Spaces are limited, so contact us today and grip your future with both hands.

Dare to be undeniable. Advisor Business School: Your journey to seizing your destiny in the financial advisory world starts now.


In 2024, we’re unleashing Advisor Business School in the USA with a maximum of 30 seats at a 60% discounted price of $5,600 for the 12-month, all-inclusive coaching program. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your career.



5 Main Road, Hogsback, 5721, South Africa
